Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dropping the balls.

It's amazing the effect your baby being sick has on the rest of your life. It does seem unfair that when Mama is sick she has to carry on but her life has to stop if baby gets sick. Thankfully it was just a tummy bug that afflicted us this week. Typically on the night I had to attend a three hour course. Oh the guilt of leaving the little pale sad face - and that was just my husband taking over nurse duty after a 10 hour workday. Anyway, they survived without too much upset. However, during the couple of days he was sick, I managed to lose a considerable sum of cash through complete scatterbrainiocity, draw a complete blank on my pin for my laser card while standing at a checkout with a basket full of groceries and stare for an hour at my bank account without being able to figure out what bills I needed to cover this week. In short, it was like the financial filing cabinet in my brain was replaced by a flashing red beacon saying, 'Your baby is sick look after him.' over and over again.

I was upset when I lost the money. Then in a short space of time I heard two bits of bad news that really put things into perspective. One friend of mine, who has a tiny baby and a young son has just found out she is seriously ill requiring surgery and who knows what other invasive treatments and another lady's husband was in a car accident with her three children in the car. He died and two of her children are still critical. The youngest was saved by the car seat. Never drive without one. So I lost some money - big deal. I can't even imagine how scary it must be to be in either of those poor women's positions. Its unfortunate that it takes someone else's suffering to remind people of how lucky they are.

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