Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Quest for a Muse

So after reading Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Work Week in one day using his 'read 200% faster in 10 minutes' technique I was left in a bit of a quandry. It all sounds good to me. I know that kind of lifestyle is possible. I've lived it. In Qatar, I had access to all the cocktails, speed boats and sunshine laden pools anyone can dream of. I got bored after 3 years and came home. I would like to take my children round the world and I want to build an eco-house somewhere to live in. Hey I've already got the epitome of washing machines to put in it. My beloved, unfortunately, is not quite willing to give up the first job he's had in 10 years until I've managed to actually put some money in the bank. As far as he's concerned I've moved the goal posts - again. So I need a product. What have I got? Information - tons of it. I have a semi-photographic memory and 30 years reading experience along with quite an eclectic set of life experiences, itchy feet, a compulsion to do everything right and two kids whose care I don't want to outsource. So here goes, my first attempts at making money with minimal effort. Lets see if anyone's interested...

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