Sunday, April 5, 2009

Extreme breastfeeding?

I never realized this is what I do until I saw 'that documentary'. I just never had the willpower to stop. My eldest is almost 4 and still breastfeeds at nighttime. My youngest is 18 months. I don't know how I'd manage without it. All fall down? 'Milka' makes it better. Need some quiet to be on the phone. Have some 'milka'. Hey the little one is on right now. I don't even notice. In fact breastfeeding is such a part of my life I don't even really wake up. I have never been able to say how many times my youngest nurses during the night. Therefore, I conclude - he sleeps through the night. Although he miraculously manages to change from one side of me to other quite regularly.

I have broached the subject of weaning with my 3 year old. He doesn't want a 'weaning party' or even a 'weaning present'. He'd rather have me lie beside him while he nurses to sleep for twenty minutes every night. I think this is fabulous. He actually knows people are more important than things. He has spent two consecutive nights away from me perfectly happily and knows he doesn't actually 'need' milka to get to sleep. But a lot of adults don't actually 'need' to read a book or have hot chocolate before they sleep but they prefer it so why not?

I nursed through pregnancy fully expecting him to wean himself but he didn't. I used to nurse them together until they got too big for me to be comfortable with both on top of me at once. When I felt overwhelmed I introduced limits that made everyone happy. It certainly suits my husband who has never been woken for a night feed. To me, it seems perfectly natural to nurse my babies until they're ready to stop. It makes life easier for me and keeps them healthy and happy. I can't understand why so many people think it's so odd.

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